Choice 1: Continue Our Current Decline

The big corporations and politicians are destroying the American middle
class as never before.

And the working poor, who aspire to join the middle class, are being
crushed by our downward spiraling economy.

Our jobs are being sent to China, India, and other third world countries
by the big corporations and their political lackeys.

Also, millions of third world workers have flooded our country, taking
jobs from American workers by lowering wages being paid.

By allowing imports to flood our country, the big corporations and
politicians are doing what our enemies in World War II, Imperial Japan
and Nazi Germany, were unable to do: destroy our factories.

So many factories have closed that we now refer to vast sections of our
country as the “rust belt.”

Our industrial heartland once had thousands of factories providing
well-paying jobs for millions of American workers. But it is now known
as the “rust belt.”

And as bad as “rust belt” sounds, it does not come close to describing
the devastation endured by millions of American men and women who
lost their jobs when the factories were closed.

But the “rust belt” has spread from our industrial heartland to all parts
of our country as factories continue to close. With additional millions of
American workers left without jobs.

Also, millions of recent high school and college graduates are finding it
very difficult, if not impossible, to get a job that pays a decent wage.

And wages are being depressed and driven downward for the remaining
jobs in the American economy.

And many of the jobs that remain are being taken by illegal immigrants
and visa workers from third world countries and elsewhere.

The invasion of millions of low-wage workers from third-world and other
countries is also straining our local social services such as schools and

Almost daily we are hearing of budget deficits and cut-backs for our
state and local governments caused by increased demand for social
services and declining tax revenues from a slowing economy.

These cut-backs are affecting our schools, police, and fire departments.
Our roads and other infrastructure are in need of repairs.

We are running $1.4 trillion federal deficits, but we still have millions of
unemployed American workers.

And millions of other American workers are grateful to get low-paying
jobs and part-time jobs.

And the politicians are trying to convince us that we are recovering from
the Great Recession, but it is a “jobless recovery.”

A “jobless recovery”? It is amazing that our politicians can go around
talking about a “jobless recovery” with a straight face, considering the
absurdity of the concept.

The “stimulus” money spent by our government is NOT providing a
sustained recovery that produces millions of new jobs.

And more “stimulus” will not create jobs either, because the money is
being sent to China to pay for the imports that we are buying in the

With money being continuously siphoned out of our economy and sent
to China, the “stimulus” money is not able to recirculate throughout our
economy as intended.

Therefore, we will never have a sustained economic recovery, capable of
generating millions of new jobs, as long as imports are flooding our

And no, service jobs will not save our economy, despite what our
politicians tell us. We cannot all be service workers. (More about service
workers in our FAQ.)

Our country is well on its way to becoming a third-world country with
millions of workers permanently unemployed and no hope of ever finding
a well-paying job again.

Our short-sighted politicians and corporations are destroying the
American Dream for today’s workers, as well as our children and our

But, we are determined to stop this destruction of the American
economy! And we know that a majority of the American people also
support our goals.

And we believe that our plan is the only way to bring back millions of
well-paying jobs for American workers.

We need to contact the millions of Americans who support saving our
jobs, but may be looking for a way to do it.

You do not have to answer all the questions that friends may ask you
about our Plan to bring our jobs back.

That is what our site is for, to provide the detailed answers to questions
about our Plan. Just send them to our site, and we will answer their

If you would like to help us bring all jobs back to America, please go to
our Plan and follow the step-by-step guide.

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