What Can I Do?
(To go directly to our step-by-step Jobs Back Plan)
We really need you!
It is very important that we grow rapidly and let the big corporations
know that we are serious about stopping imports.
If the big corporations think we are serious about stopping imports,
they will think twice before sending any more factories and jobs to
The politicians will also think twice before granting amnesty to the
millions of illegal immigrant workers in our country, if they think we are
serious about stopping illegal immigration.
We need to move quickly.
You do not have to answer all the questions that friends may ask you
about our Plan to bring our jobs back.
That is what our site is for, to provide the detailed answers to
questions about our Plan. Just send them to our site, and we will
answer their questions.
If you would like to help us bring all jobs back to America, please go to
our Plan and follow the step-by-step guide.
Thank you for your support!