
Romney “Not Concerned About the Very Poor”

February 3, 2012

Mitt Romney, a Republican candidate for President, recently stated in a CNN interview: "I'm not concerned about the very poor." Romney then added that "we have a safety net there." Does he think that a safety net replaces a well-paying job? Why isn't he concerned that our very poor don't...
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Will More Innovation Create a Booming Economy?

January 6, 2012

In an effort to get our economy moving again, our politicians have been touting innovation as a way to create jobs and stop our economic decline.
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Not Moving Up

January 5, 2012

Recently, an appeared in the New York Times about several studies which indicated that Americans may be less mobile economically than those living in other developed countries. Of course, there was no mention of free trade laws as a factor.
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Imported Drugs and Medications

January 4, 2012

It appears that there are no limits to what our politicians are willing to allow the big corporations to outsource in the name of bigger quarterly profits. Many of the medications that we rely upon for our health, and in many instances, our lives, are being made in foreign countries by low-wage foreign...
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A Service Economy?

December 12, 2011

Many government officials and the news media have been saying that the US is becoming a "service economy," instead of an industrial economy based upon manufacturing jobs and factories. We have been told that in this new service economy, we don't need manufacturing jobs
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Defending the 47 Percent Who Pay No Taxes

December 7, 2011

You may have heard by now that about 47 percent of those filing tax returns in 2009 paid no federal income tax, according to a report by the Tax Policy Center.  Even Michelle Bachmann recently said in a Republican debate that everyone should pay some taxes, even if it is only $10 (the cost of two...
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“Et tu, Google?”

November 21, 2011

Which side does Google take with one of their latest projects?  Does it help bring our factories back to the US from overseas?  Does it encourage the hiring of US workers?  No, Google is making it easier for American companies to use Chinese factories as suppliers. Et tu, Google? The American economic landscape is...
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We Need Real Leaders, Not Supercommittees

November 18, 2011

The bipartisan Congressional “supercommittee” has been trying to reach agreement by next Wednesday, November 23, on steps to reduce the federal deficit.  They need to increase government revenue, reduce spending, or a combination of the two,  in order to reduce the deficit.  But, so far, no agreement has been reached by the members of the...
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Buddy Roemer is Close

November 17, 2011

I found some information about presidential candidate Buddy Roemer’s economic proposals. It appears that Roemer is in favor of “Fair Trade” instead of Free Trade.  I think that it is too late for Fair Trade, and stronger action is needed to save the American economy and bring all our jobs back to America.  But,...
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Newt Gingrich and Freddie Mac

November 17, 2011

Bloomberg news reported that former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, received about $1.6 million over an eight-year period from the mortgage company Freddie Mac.  It was reported that the payments were consulting fees, and began 5 months after Gingrich resigned from Congress. According to the Bloomberg report, Gingrich received $25-30,000 as a monthly...
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