Will our US government do anything to help our factories re-locate from China back to the US?
Manufacturing must be a national priority if the US is going to compete with the other countries of the world. Presently, the Chinese government is helping the manufacturers in China by supplying buildings, infrastructure, and stream-lined regulations in order to get the factories built and operating as fast as possible.
As we bring our factories back to America, we must use the full power and support of the US government to help insure that our manufacturers have the resources necessary to expand production rapidly and begin hiring millions of American workers.
It is difficult for companies to compete alone against companies that receive their government’s financial and economic support. We will mobilize our entire country, as we did in World War II, in a unified effort to return our country to once again being an economic powerhouse.
And the scary thing is like what happened to Pearl Harbor we have all our military bases in one spot which is the Brementon WA area.
I don’t know if it was true but Dad says we used to have several navy bases up and down the west coast and they were had their funding cut back so they moved their vessels up to Washington.
Now we are sitting ducks just waiting for a chain of command problem to attract Pearl Harbor The Sequel most likely either by China wanting our land to pay our debt off or the crazy leader in North Korea pulling a stupid stunt off.